1. Early Childhood
to improve sustainable parenting and teaching practices at family and community preschool level
1.1. Parenting –
a) train in how young children develop and learn, and factors that influence this;
b) conduct a veterinary clinic annually, to use animal care as a positive example of responsibility and empathy to children;
c) provide structured support to a set number of children with special needs at family level; for social inclusion at community level; and for sharing at national level.
1.2. Community preschool teaching –
train (in-service) and mentor in practices aligned with early childhood developmental milestones and learning standards, including the inclusion of children with special needs.
1.3. Provide access –
to bilingual storybooks, to support reading to children at family and preschool level.
2. Livelihood
to improve sustainable financial and nutrition practices at family level
2.1. Entrepreneurship –
a) train in basic financial literacy,
b) form, train and mentor savings & lending groups.
2.2. Perma-gardening for nutrition –
a) train in perma-gardening practices for nutrition,
b) provide information and plant “start-up” material.
2.3. Demonstrate –
the use of permaculture practices throughout Vusumnotfo operations, to promote sustainable living.
3. Infrastructure & Management
to improve sustainable infrastructure and management practices at community level, focusing on preschools; water and sanitation systems; hygiene and conservation practices
3.1. Community Preschools –
a) train and mentor in sustainable infrastructure and management practices,
b) provide structured support for infrastructure improvements (integrated with a community’s time-plan to complete practical tasks).
3.2. Community Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Conservation –
a) train and mentor in sustainable infrastructure and management practices,
b) provide structured support for infrastructure improvements (integrated with a community’s time-plan to complete practical tasks).
3.3. Demonstrate –
the use of data throughout Vusumnotfo operations, to promote sustainable infrastructure and management practices.
Our programming supports 7 out of 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals